Team Metro is a fundraising project of Metro Flag Football, a 501c3 non-profit charity (EIN# 47-3719354). Our directory is powered by the kindness of local businesses who have donated to our cause and run entirely by a handful of volunteers who handle all aspects of site management. We have no paid employees and because of our partnership the PayPal Giving Fund, you can feel good knowing that 100% of the proceeds from any donation go directly to charity.
Following our mission to provide children in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex with unique opportunities and lifelong memories through the platform of athletics, our program director has over ten years of experience administering youth sports leagues, camps, and leadership groups. Our team has provided free athletic participation to countless boys and girls over the years and strives to keep the costs for all of our programs as low as possible. Thank you for your support and for helping us to serve the children & families of our community.